The ‘story’ behind Dahmer vs. Gacy is completely secondary. The film is a hodge podge collection of clips smashed together with a fast-paced MTV edit. In a nutshell, the military has a secret lab (in low budget goodness the lab looks like someone’s basement) that has been cloning serial killers and meshing DNA in order to find the perfect killing machine. Unfortunately, Jeffrey Dahmer (writer/director Ford Austin) and John Wayne Gacy (Randal Malone) escape and go on a killing spree that builds, eventually, to the big face off. First and foremost, this is a comedy… so we’ve got that going for us. Secondly, director/star Austin knows enough b-movie and genre veterans to load up the film with some cool cameos (Irwin Keyes, Felissa Rose, Harland Williams and Ethan Phillips as the combo-killer X-13 among others). Overall, the film was funny, enjoyable and benefitted from some great performances. Especially Ford Austin’s Dahmer. I don’t regularly say this, but Austin cast himself perfectly, mastered Dahmer’s dopey Wisconsin accent and had a great time with the role. Since Austin isn’t Orson Welles or Clint Eastwood, the direction suffered from wearing too many hats. That isn’t the problem, though. The problem is Randal Malone.
Malone has been rattling around the b-movie horror scene for quite a few years now and, to date, I have yet to see him take a role seriously enough to learn his lines or commit to it. When you’re playing John Wayne Gacy, the potential for over the top fun is enormous but he squanders it. As always, Malone plays Malone without affect and the film suffers for it.
The previous rant was only partially motivated by the notion that I could have done it better.
A sequel to Dahmer vs. Gacy is in the works and I here it takes place in space. Austin is back at the helm, so that is good. Malone is back under the paint, so that sucks. Regardless, if it is as fun as its predecessor, DvG2 should be a good time.
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