With a title like Strip Nude For Your Killer you better deliver ample doses of gratuitous nudity and graphic violence. Bianchi's film deliver's both! Our feature starts off appropriatly icky with a botched abortion that later takes the life of the young female patient. The openings effectively shot with a blue gel to add somewhat of a nightmare type atmosphere to the proceedings. After this horrible incident, Bianchi takes it right to tits and ass on a boat with a lecherous photographer, Carlo (Nino Castelnuovo - Camille 2000) using his camera rather aggressively to woo a curvaceous model. Aggressive tactics work for Carlo though, as soon we see Casanova hit a homerun with the model in the steam room. Too much sex already? Well, the blood does start to flow soon after, as models begin to perish at the hands of a motorcycle gear wearing slasher an a variety of ghastly ways.
As with most solid giallo, Strip Nude For Your Killer supplies a solid amount of red herrings to keep you guessing for a little while. That is, until the red herrings start seeing gory ends: throats are slashed, breasts are mutilated and we even get a sloppy castration aftermath. Those scenes, for me atleast, pale to the the site of the half-naked 400 pound blow-up doll loving virgin who performs in his own love scene. This guy wears only his briefs, and there's absolutely nothing "brief" about his tighty wighties.
Blue Underground has done a nice job bringing the Strip Nude For Your Killer to Blu-ray making it an easy upgrade for owners of the DVD. There's a better balance of colors, specifically in the night scenes as compared to the initial DVD from a few years back. Also included on the release are Interviews With Actress Solvi Stubing And Co-Writer Massimo Felisatti, trailers and a poster gallery.
If your looking for a classy giallo that relys more on mood rather than exploitation, steer clear of Strip Nude For Your Killer. Now, if you're like me, and a high abundance of filth in your euro-trash makes you smile, pick up this Blu-ray post-haste! Recommended.
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