Batman has taken on a few incarnations on the big and small screens. He started out in theaters in short serials that you might have seen on cable or the Internet somewhere. These were fun, but not what people remember. Most of us can look back and break Batman's film history into three distinctive segments. After recently watching the feature starring Adam West, I started to dissect things, and this is what I found.
The Series

Kitsch and comedy filled this 1960s series and movie that featured a wholesome dynamic duo. Though the TV series didn't last long, it spent years in syndication and can still be found on television today. The movie featured such ridiculous camp as shark repellant and an old timey round bomb with a wick. My personal favorite is the signage all around the Bat Cave that let you know what everything was. No matter what you say about this era, you always knew what you were getting and it was always consistent.
Score: 4

While this was most definitely the worst era for Batman, it still led the way for the modern dark and moody superhero. Tim Burton left his mark on the series with cartoonish sets and gloomy yet colorful costumes and surroundings. When Joel Schumacher took over the second half of this stretch, his big contribution was to slap nipples on the heroes' costumes.
Score: 2.5

This started with great promise. Batman Begins was the best comic book movie I had seen to that point. It showed a Batman origin that we had never seen. It featured villains that were far from the usual fare. Instead of silly sets, Christopher Nolan used Chicago, the real life Gotham. Jim Gordon was not commissioner yet. It was exciting and different. All was right with the world. Anticipation was high for The Dark Knight. Unfortunately, phoned in acting performances from almost everyone in the cast and a rushed throw away appearance from Two-Face ruined what could have been a great sequel.
Score: 3.5
The Batmen
What can you say about a man whose acting is like cardboard? West's Batman was corny. He gave lessons about wearing your seatbelt and doing the right thing. He was not exactly what you'd call in shape and filled that blue leotard like a sack of wet concrete. His romantic scenes in the movie as Bruce Wayne were so awkward that you'd swear he was still a virgin. His awful portrayal was always part of the fun, but if I were attacked in a dark alley, I'd never want this Batman to show up to save me.
Score: 2.75
I know I'm in the minority when I say this, but Michael Keaton was my favorite Batman. Even though I didn't like this stretch of films, Keaton was a standout, and the producers should have seen this and given him more room to spread his wings, so to speak. He was replaced for one film with the horrendous Val Kilmer, who makes Adam West look good. George Clooney followed him in the fourth movie. He was bad too, but I respect his portrayal. First off, he knew the movie was going to be bad and only took the role so he could say someday that he was Batman. Clooney was also the only modern day Batman to avoid speaking in gravelly voice when donning the suit.
Score: 4
I was thrilled to see Bale take the reigns here, and the first movie was amazing. His Bruce Wayne was tortured and emotionally confused. He was far from being in control and had to learn his way. I don't understand why Bale reprised the role with one of the laziest performances I have ever seen. It ruined The Dark Knight for me and makes me leery of the upcoming third film.
Score: 3.25
The Weapons
Score: 4.75
Score: 4
Score: 5
The Villains
Score: 4.5
Score: 3.25
Score: 4.75
The Jokers
Score: 4.5
Score: 1.5
Score: 5
The Final Score
The Adam West Era
This series will always be a part of pop culture and geek legend. It's still fun, always silly and makes you feel like a kid again. In spite of how bad it really is, it's still worth that half hour in front of the television.
Score: 20.5 out of a possible 25
The Burton/Schumacher Era
This is obviously the worst of the bunch. It was a disaster pretty much from the start and definitely through the finish. I can't think of anything that makes this memorable, except for a good laugh.
Score: 15.25 out of a possible 25
The Nolan/Bale Era
The winning Batman barely edges out his campy competitor. The series started strong and took a slide in the second film, however, story, special effects and the overall look of the films remained strong. Rumors have The Riddler entering the third film, but I'd really like to see Christopher Nolan dig deeper into the catalog. Maybe we can have a tag team of Egghead and King Tut. One can dream.
Score: 21.5 out of a possible 25
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