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August 31, 2013
Movie Review: Battle of the Worlds (1961, Ultra Films/Cheezy Flicks)

Movie Review: Grand Duel (1972, DVD)
Review By: Rob Sibley
How does this sound? Directed by Giancarlo Santi who was Sergio Leone's second unit director on Good, The Bad & The Ugly and Once upon a time in the west. Written by one of the most talented and prolific Italian writers Ernesto Gastaldi. Who brought us many wrote many fine Westerns such as Day of Anger and My Name is Nobody. What might interest you is Gastaldi was more well known for writing Giallo's.
Such classics as Torso, The Case Of The Scorpions Tail, All the colors of the dark and The Case of the Bloody Iris to name a few. He also wrote the hard boiled crime classic "Kidnap Syndicate" for Fernando Di Leo. Then add in the always impressive Lee Van Cleef and you have one of the best and maybe one of the most single handily underrated spaghetti Westerns of all time! Even Quentin Tarantino used Luis Enríquez Bacalov theme for the film very effectively in Kill Bill Vol 1.
How does this sound? Directed by Giancarlo Santi who was Sergio Leone's second unit director on Good, The Bad & The Ugly and Once upon a time in the west. Written by one of the most talented and prolific Italian writers Ernesto Gastaldi. Who brought us many wrote many fine Westerns such as Day of Anger and My Name is Nobody. What might interest you is Gastaldi was more well known for writing Giallo's.
Such classics as Torso, The Case Of The Scorpions Tail, All the colors of the dark and The Case of the Bloody Iris to name a few. He also wrote the hard boiled crime classic "Kidnap Syndicate" for Fernando Di Leo. Then add in the always impressive Lee Van Cleef and you have one of the best and maybe one of the most single handily underrated spaghetti Westerns of all time! Even Quentin Tarantino used Luis Enríquez Bacalov theme for the film very effectively in Kill Bill Vol 1.

For years rumors swirled about substantial missing footage from the film. A fan-driven movement was created (www.OccupyMidian.com) to see the full version of the film restored and re-released, which was not only a more faithful adaptation of Clive Barker’s book “Cabal,” but is what originally he intended “Nightbreed” to be.
Movie Review: John Dies at the End (2012)
by John Beutler
There have been a good number of 'fan-fav' cult genre film directors, who regrettably have seemed to have lost a good measure of their 'mojo' over the years, and have turned out some pretty lackluster, albeit mildly entertaining productions in their later years, as compared to their peaked and reveled heyday (...regrettably, George A. Romero and Dario Argento, for instance...just to name a couple). On the opposite side of this eclectic coin, there have been similarly embraced cult film directors, who have genuinely stood the test of time, endured through the years, and like a fine wine, have actually gotten 'better' (...read: comparatively and delightfully more weirder, more bizarre and more twisted, then they have, in their initial onset). Producer/director Frank Henenlotter would definitely be one of the prime examples, in this case (...those who have merely seen his "Basket Case". "Brain Damage" or "Frankenhooker" have seen nothing, until having partaken of his latest, from a couple years ago...an over-the-top, nasty little ditty, called "Bad Biology"...Definitely look THAT one up!!). However, ol' Frank's varied and eclectic filmography will have to be a tale told at a later time.
Don Coscarelli,
John Beutler,
John Dies at the End,
Movie Review: Madhouse (1974)
Director: Jim Clark
Stars: Vincent Price, Peter Cushing and Robert Quarry
Given that last Friday would have been Vincent Price's one hundredth birthday, a Vincentennial as it were, I felt it appropriate to celebrate his life and career by watching a Price picture that I hadn't seen before. It took some searching but I located this one, a co-production between Amicus in the UK and AIP in the States. It's far from his best film but it has much to offer, not least the trio of legends in leading roles: Price, Peter Cushing and Robert Quarry. A couple more back them up, as Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff make surprise guest appearances, given that they'd both been dead for years: Rathbone died in 1967 and Karloff in 1969. They appear through the magic of cinema, rather like Bela Lugosi did in Plan 9 from Outer Space, but at least Ed Wood used new footage to the screen, Rathbone and Karloff reappear in clips from older AIP films. Five of those are reused here, a quick fact that helps to underline how recycled much of Madhouse is.
Buy Theater Of Blood/MadHouse (Midnite Movies Double Feature)
on DVD
Stars: Vincent Price, Peter Cushing and Robert Quarry
Given that last Friday would have been Vincent Price's one hundredth birthday, a Vincentennial as it were, I felt it appropriate to celebrate his life and career by watching a Price picture that I hadn't seen before. It took some searching but I located this one, a co-production between Amicus in the UK and AIP in the States. It's far from his best film but it has much to offer, not least the trio of legends in leading roles: Price, Peter Cushing and Robert Quarry. A couple more back them up, as Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff make surprise guest appearances, given that they'd both been dead for years: Rathbone died in 1967 and Karloff in 1969. They appear through the magic of cinema, rather like Bela Lugosi did in Plan 9 from Outer Space, but at least Ed Wood used new footage to the screen, Rathbone and Karloff reappear in clips from older AIP films. Five of those are reused here, a quick fact that helps to underline how recycled much of Madhouse is.
Buy Theater Of Blood/MadHouse (Midnite Movies Double Feature)
Hal Astell,
Vincent Price
August 30, 2013
Movie Review: The Captains: Close Up (2013, Entertainment One)

...there's no denying that of all the associated personalities whom have embraceably prospered, in devoted advocation and uphelding of the enduring legacy of the 'Star Trek' franchise, actor William Shatner has led the pack, in that respect. Often in the past, he had been accused...even outright lambasted...even by those whom he had worked with...for 'shamelessly and egotistically' stepping up to the forefront, and seemingly self-servingly heralding his (...and ONLY his) efforts towards the classic sci-fi TV series; since those critically acidic and biting times, we have since better come to understand the much-more-seasoned, though no less bigger-than-life character, that IS William Shatner, and have come to realize that it is that it's that driven, 'egotistical', 'method-to-his-madness' pride of the work he has accomplished, acknowledgebly in TANDEM with those whom he has worked with, which has elevated the concept of 'Star Trek' to a pop culture level, almost quite literally far and above any of those fictionally conceived, unknown and unexplored worlds & destinations in the show (...as well as it's varied television and motion picture incarnations), countless light years away. It is that embraceable and unswerving ego, coupled with an incomparably jovial wit, which we have come to love, admire and appreciate over the years, and which has kept an incredibly laborious and untiring Bill in the forefront, in whatever he as done, be it his work in television, motion pictures and commercial endeavors (...one of this viewer's favorites is the clever 'hip-hop' musical styled deep fried turkey fire safety message, which he did for State Farm Insurance, reportedly based upon personal experience)...
August 27, 2013
Cinema Head Cheese: The Podcast! #110 - Tardians of the Galaxy
Once they remember they're on a movie show, they review the blu-ray of The Walking Dead's third season, the Netflix original series House of Cards, Bonnie Rotten's Beyond Fucked for The Blue Cheese and the Rainn Wilson led Super. That leads Jeff and Kevin into a discussion about the fine work of James Gunn and his future with Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
After that, Kevin and Dave talk about their experience at Wizard World Chicago and the conventions they and the rest of Abnormal Entertainment plan to attend this year.
Click here to listen or right click and choose "Save Link As..." to download.
You can always email us at cinemaheadcheese@yahoo.com or tweet us @CinHeadCheese.
Support Cinema Head Cheese and Abnormal Entertainment by clicking the links on our Sponsors page!
John Carpenter's Body Bags and Assault on Precinct 13 coming to Collector's Edition Blu-ray!
A Horror Trilogy from the Master of Terror
Collector’s Edition Blu-ray™+ DVD Combo Pack
UNZIPS on Home Entertainment Shelves NOVEMBER 12, 2013
John Carpenter’s Acclaimed Thriller
Starring Austin Stoker, Darwin Joston, Laurie Zimmer

For the first time on Blu-ray™, JOHN CARPENTER PRESENTS BODY BAGS features John Carpenter as a creepy-looking coroner introducing a trilogy of blood-curdling tales: “The Gas Station” (starring Robert Carradine, Revenge of the Nerds and Alex Datcher, Passenger 57), “Hair” (starring Stacy Keach, The Bourne Legacy), and “Eye”(Directed by Tobe Hooper, Poltergeist, and starring Mark Hamill, Star Wars). With special appearances by Deborah Harry (Scarface), Sheena Easton (Miami Vice), Twiggy, David Naughton (An American Werewolf in London), John Agar (Tarantula), David Warner (The Omen) and cameos by notable horror film legends Wes Craven (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Tobe Hooper (Lifeforce, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Sam Raimi (The Evil Dead), Roger Corman (House of Usher) and Greg Nicotero (The Walking Dead), this pulse-pounding horror collection delivers a fright-filled night of terror to remember. This must-have collector’s edition features an uncut anamorphic widescreen presentation of the film (for the first time both on DVD & Blu-ray™) and is packed with exciting bonus content, a collectible cover featuring newly rendered retro-style artwork and more.

***Avid fans and collectors please take note: those who order JOHN CARPENTER PRESENTS BODY BAGS Collector’s Edition and/ or ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 Collector’s Edition from ScreamfactoryDVD.com will receive the respective exclusive 18”x24” poster featuring the newly commissioned artwork! These are only available while supplies last.***
Pre-order now at:
August 24, 2013
Movie Review: Combat Girls (aka Kriegerin, 2013)
There is no better quality for a movie to have, in my opinion, than the ability to drag you in by the emotional short hairs and hold you there for the duration. During the first few minutes of Combat Girls, a group of modern day Nazi kids living in Germany terrorize every passenger on a city bus in a way that made me absolutely loathe every one of them. I watched as they shoved one kid and called him a faggot. I sat with my heart racing as a young Asian guy was pummeled in front of his girlfriend. I wished I was on that bus. I wanted to be in a seat at the back of the bus with a bat or a pipe so that I could stand up and mash the unholy shit out of each of their skulls until they turned into pudding. I hated these people. HATED them. I've seen these assholes in the real world, and I've been the guy to step in on more than one occasion, not out of heroics, but out of anger and necessity. I can't stand aggressive bullies. It was like everyone involved with Combat Girls knew exactly where my buttons were, and they mashed all of them down as hard as they could with an open palm. For the rest of this movie, I was in, and there was no way for me to turn away. I needed justice in some manner or another.
Artsploitation Films,
Combat Girls,
Kevin Moyers,
August 23, 2013
THE DISASTER ARTIST by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell - Pre-order Bonus!
Oh, hi Mark!
If you pre-order THE DISASTER ARTIST: My Life Inside THE ROOM, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made, the upcoming memoir by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell (on sale October 1st, 2013) before September 15th and tell us via this form where you pre-ordered, you'll receive an email on September 16th with an exclusive invite to a Shindig Live video chat event with Greg himself!
* You must have a valid email address to receive the exclusive invite. *
You can pre-order the book on Amazon.com, then fill out this form to get your invite!
For more info on The Disaster Artist, check the official website: www.thedisasterartistbook.com
If you pre-order THE DISASTER ARTIST: My Life Inside THE ROOM, the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made, the upcoming memoir by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell (on sale October 1st, 2013) before September 15th and tell us via this form where you pre-ordered, you'll receive an email on September 16th with an exclusive invite to a Shindig Live video chat event with Greg himself!
* You must have a valid email address to receive the exclusive invite. *
You can pre-order the book on Amazon.com, then fill out this form to get your invite!
For more info on The Disaster Artist, check the official website: www.thedisasterartistbook.com
Greg Sestero,
New Releases,
The Disaster Artist,
The Room,
Tom Bissell
August 22, 2013
Movie Review: One Touch of Venus (1948, Olive Films)

August 21, 2013
Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish and Story of White Coat: Indecent Acts Bring the Nikkatsu Sleaze!
Story of White Coat: Indecent Acts and Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish
------------------------------------------------Story of White Coat: Indecent Acts
will nurse you back to health!
Poor virginal Shinobu! Her dream is to become a nurse and live a comfortable life, but that dream turns into a nightmare when she becomes the object of obsession for Junior, the sex crazed son of a major shareholder at the hospital where she works. When Junior is admitted to the hospital with alcohol poisoning, no nurse is safe! Will Shinobu escape Junior and his addiction to sex, or will she finally succumb to his amorous appetite? Story of White Coat: Indecent Acts is loaded with beautiful women, naughty sex and gratuitous nurse nudity. It may be just what the doctor ordered for your perverted sex fix!
August 19, 2013
Movie Review: Undertaker (2014, Synapse Films)
With Michigan's first ever Zombie Convention this past weekend, I had a great opportunity to view a Japanese horror movie that won't be released in the U.S. until sometime in 2014 and coming from Synapse Films. The people at Cinema Head Cheese may not know of my love for all Asian horror but what better way to find out than to have me review this flick?
Undertaker is 70 minutes of an interesting, sad, and unique Japanese spin on the zombie sub-genre of horror. It begins with a group of children being evacuated out of an apartment building. It seems the area is to be designated a quarantine zone and they need to get the kids out before it's too late. I guess the adults are expendable.
Ryouichi gets in the van, leaving his mother behind in the dark apartment. We never see her but from her gasping words it's clear she's already doomed. As he settles in for the long ride, his friend, Megumi, naps in the seat in front of him, feverishly whispering for someone to kill her. Uh oh.
Peggy Christie,
post apocalyptic,
Synapse Films,
August 18, 2013
Movie Review: Dark Angel (1990, Blu-ray)
Dolph Lundgren has had a really nice little resurgence over the past couple of years with much more high profile projects. He was in both The Expendables I and II (and slated to return for the third!), the action flick The Package and the surprisingly good Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning. There was time following his performance as "Ivan Drago" in Rocky IV where the Swedish born actor seemed be in get some roles in some enjoyable action pictures. One of those movies was the 1990 Sci-fi / Horror / Action hybrid from director Craig Baxley titled Dark Angel.
Originally released in the
states and on video under the title I Come in Peace, Scream Factory has the
Director's Cut available now on Blu-ray with some cool extra features and a
nice high-definition makeover to boot.
While trying to foil a big drug deal by the city’s biggest
criminals, “The White Boys”, Jack Caine (Lundgren) loses his partner. During
the bust, he gets distracted by a bunch of robbers shooting up a convenience store
nearby. Caine soon has another problem
that becomes an equally bad issue for the White Boys – a giant drug-dealing
alien killing machine (Mathias Hues, Executive Target). This alien not only steals heroin, he
shoots innocent people in the head with the smack using a large need-like
August 16, 2013
Movie Review: Battle Earth (2012, DVD)
Review By: Rob Sibley
Have you ever sat through a movie that's so boring that it makes you want to self harm? Well if you're suicidal then Battle Earth is your ticket to paradise. Just take a look at that cover art... looks fun right? Soldiers, a destroyed city, a helicopter and look an Independence Day style space ship! Oh yeah... besides the soldiers you don't get any space ships or burning city's. What you get is a group of Canadian's playing soldiers in the woods for an hour and a half. It sounds like I'm being harsh but seriously this film is fucking boring. If you looked up boring in the dictionary you'd find this film. Nothing happens until the final ten minutes and when the shit hits the fan... well it's disappointing... much like a Thai massage with no happy ending. No me love you long time here folks. Just blue balls and disappointment all around. Pardon the sexual puns, I had to entertain myself somehow.
Let's get the "Plot" out of the way first right? Sorry I faded away for a bit just thinking how this film felt longer then a fucking Leonard Cohen song. Confirmation of extraterrestrial life appears on television screens across the world as a massive spacecraft breaks through the atmosphere on a crash course into the Atlantic Ocean. A young paramedic, Greg Baker, signs up to fight for his planet against the invaders. Baker joins Special Forces members as the squad medic as they escort a classified package by chopper over enemy territory. When their chopper is shot down they find themselves surrounded and outnumbered. Desperate to return to his wife's side and haunted by nightmares, Baker find that his role in the war has quickly become much larger than he could have ever imagined. The mysterious package may be the key to turning the tide of the war, and possibly to saving all of humanity, but Baker must decide whether to protect it or sacrifice it to ensure his own survival.
Have you ever sat through a movie that's so boring that it makes you want to self harm? Well if you're suicidal then Battle Earth is your ticket to paradise. Just take a look at that cover art... looks fun right? Soldiers, a destroyed city, a helicopter and look an Independence Day style space ship! Oh yeah... besides the soldiers you don't get any space ships or burning city's. What you get is a group of Canadian's playing soldiers in the woods for an hour and a half. It sounds like I'm being harsh but seriously this film is fucking boring. If you looked up boring in the dictionary you'd find this film. Nothing happens until the final ten minutes and when the shit hits the fan... well it's disappointing... much like a Thai massage with no happy ending. No me love you long time here folks. Just blue balls and disappointment all around. Pardon the sexual puns, I had to entertain myself somehow.
Let's get the "Plot" out of the way first right? Sorry I faded away for a bit just thinking how this film felt longer then a fucking Leonard Cohen song. Confirmation of extraterrestrial life appears on television screens across the world as a massive spacecraft breaks through the atmosphere on a crash course into the Atlantic Ocean. A young paramedic, Greg Baker, signs up to fight for his planet against the invaders. Baker joins Special Forces members as the squad medic as they escort a classified package by chopper over enemy territory. When their chopper is shot down they find themselves surrounded and outnumbered. Desperate to return to his wife's side and haunted by nightmares, Baker find that his role in the war has quickly become much larger than he could have ever imagined. The mysterious package may be the key to turning the tide of the war, and possibly to saving all of humanity, but Baker must decide whether to protect it or sacrifice it to ensure his own survival.
Movie Review: Tai Chi Hero (2012, Blu-ray)
Review By: Rob Sibley
Tai Chi Hero is the sequel to the hugely successful martial arts/cyber punk epic "Tai Chi Zero". I enjoyed the first film but I thought it didn't push the boundaries enough. It was a zany film sure but it could have went further and could have fleshed out it's characters more. Lucky for us though Tai Chi Hero is a better film in every way imaginable.
Lu Chan (Jayden Yuan) is still trying to find his place in Chen Village, the legendary town where everyone is a martial arts master and Chen-style Tai Chi is forbidden to outsiders. But since he helped save the town from a steam powered machine, Yuniang (Angelababy), beautiful daughter of the Grandmaster Chen (Tony Leung), agrees to marry Lu Chan and bring him into the family. However, it's only a formality - she is the teacher and he is the student and that suits Lu Chan just fine, as the mutant horn on his head gives him incredible kung fu power but leaves him dumber and closer to death each time he uses it. Chen Village still stands in the shadow of danger. A prodigal brother returns, Lu Chan's presence invokes a curse on the town and Yuniang's scorned fiancee has an appetite for revenge, as well as some new partners in crime.
Tai Chi Hero is the sequel to the hugely successful martial arts/cyber punk epic "Tai Chi Zero". I enjoyed the first film but I thought it didn't push the boundaries enough. It was a zany film sure but it could have went further and could have fleshed out it's characters more. Lucky for us though Tai Chi Hero is a better film in every way imaginable.
Lu Chan (Jayden Yuan) is still trying to find his place in Chen Village, the legendary town where everyone is a martial arts master and Chen-style Tai Chi is forbidden to outsiders. But since he helped save the town from a steam powered machine, Yuniang (Angelababy), beautiful daughter of the Grandmaster Chen (Tony Leung), agrees to marry Lu Chan and bring him into the family. However, it's only a formality - she is the teacher and he is the student and that suits Lu Chan just fine, as the mutant horn on his head gives him incredible kung fu power but leaves him dumber and closer to death each time he uses it. Chen Village still stands in the shadow of danger. A prodigal brother returns, Lu Chan's presence invokes a curse on the town and Yuniang's scorned fiancee has an appetite for revenge, as well as some new partners in crime.
Martial Arts,
Peter Stormare,
Shu Qi,
Stephen Fung,
Well Go USA
August 15, 2013
Movie Review: "Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff" (1978, Vinegar Syndrome)

Movie Review: Sushi Girl (2012, Magnolia)

August 14, 2013
Where's My Cake??? "Creepshow" Coming to Blu-ray From Second Sight Films!

Relish the family reunion and the murdered father who still wants his cake; the backwards farmer who discovers a meteorite with a life of its own; one husband’s vengeful plan that will leave his cheating wife and her lover up to their necks in it; another’s hope that the vicious occupant of a mysterious crate may be the answer to his nagging wife problem; and in the final gross-out tale a malicious millionaire with an insect phobia gets a scuttling surprise.
August 13, 2013
Cinema Head Cheese: The Podcast! #109 - Wizard World Chicago 2013
Dave interviews Punx of Rage writer Joe Currie and artist Shawn Alleyne from Pyroglyphics Studios. He also interviews Mike and Roze from the new horror flick Speak No Evil. Tune in next week for a complete con wrap up.
Find Joe at punxofrage.net.
Shawn is at pyroglyphics1.deviantart.com.
Mike and Roze can be found at mindplate.tv.
Watch the videos of these interviews at youtube.com/cinemaheadcheese.
Click here to listen or right click and choose "Save Link As..." to download.
You can always email us at cinemaheadcheese@yahoo.com or tweet us @CinHeadCheese.
Support Cinema Head Cheese and Abnormal Entertainment by clicking the links on our Sponsors page!
Movie Review: The Vixens of Kung-Fu / Oriental Blue (1975)

Both The Vixens
of Kung-Fu and Oriental Blue have, as the title implies – an Asian
theme. They even share many of the same actors -- Jamie Gillis, C.J Lang, Bobby
Astyr and Peonies. They are different stories completely. In The Vixens of Kung-Fu a young prostitute named Yan (Bree
Anthony) is fleeing from a group of rednecks played by legends, Bobby Astyr and
Jamie Gillis. She's unfortunately shot in the back by these rape-happy goons.
Naturally, the boys have their way with her while she's still warm in a very
sleazy foursome, which includes another actor jerking into some cloth vessel
whilst Astyr and Gillis do what they do best.
August 10, 2013
Movie Review: Would You Rather...? (2012, IFC Midnight)

Brittany Snow,
IFC Midnight,
Jeffery Combs,
John Beutler,
Sasha Grey,
August 9, 2013
Movie Review: The Films of Richard Kern - Hardcore Collection (Blu-ray)

All the movies you remember from the previous releases are back in this three hour assault on the senses:Evil Cameraman, The Right Side Of My Brain, You Killed Me First, The Bitches, The Sewing Circle, X is Y, Fingered, Horoscope, Submit to Me Now, My Nightmare, Manhattan Loves Suicides, Submit to Me, and Death Valley 69 are shown in their uncut glory. As an extra we also get some bonus footage from a couple of the shorts to sweeten this sadistic little compilation.
Movie Review: I.B.S. (2013)
I’ve seen my share of gross out horror comedies. I’ve even
been a party to some. There is a fine line that needs to be trod in order for
these to be successful. When you’re dealing with subject matter like I.B.S.
(which, in real world parlance, stands for irritable bowel syndrome) does, that
line is even thinner. In all honesty, the film could have worked with a little
more care and attention to detail. There are two ways for a film with this
initial concept (the tag line is “When he’s gotta go, you gotta go”) to work.
Either screw it up so bad and give the entire filmmaking world the finger on
your way to cult movie status OR produce a fine-looking film that revels in its
wrong-ness despite the quality. I.B.S. lets loose right down the middle
and, if I may be so bold, would have benefited from a courtesy flush.
David Hayes,
Maniac Films,
Mike O' Mahony,
Movie Review: The Black Scorpion (1957)

Starring Richard Denning, Mara Corday and Carlos Rivas
Run time: 88 min.
Deep in the heart of Mexico a giant volcano has suddenly sprung forth from the earth, causing massive earthquakes and widespread devastation. In the small village of San Lorenzo not only are they dealing with lava-flows and earthquakes but with a giant, deadly six legged creature that has risen from the depths to wreak havoc on the local farmers and ranchers.
An American geologist, Hank Scott (Richard Denning) and his Mexican counterpart, Arturo Ramos (Carlos Rivas) are sent to investigate and report on the damage caused by the volcanic upheaval but soon after arriving in San Lorenzo find that the damage caused by mother nature is nothing compared to the trail of bloody death left behind by....The Black Scorpion.
In their first attempt at killing the giant insect, our two geologists, along with a young stow-away, are lowered by a crane down into a giant crack in the ground. Armed with only pistols and bug-spray they quickly discover that they are woefully ill-equipped for an extermination as they find that the cavern is infested with an entire horde of scorpions, as well as a ferocious trap-door spider the size of a beer keg and another creepy-crawly resembling a giant worm with claws. Barely escaping with their lives from the cavern, our two hero’s realize not only did they fail in their mission but that the entire horde of scorpions has followed them out of the hole and are now running loose and rampaging across the Mexican landscape. Soon after this the scorpions decide to start attacking each other and eventually only the alpha-scorpion is left alive, and is headed straight for Mexico City. With some quick thinking and the help of the Mexican Army, Hank and Arturo are able to lure the beastie into a soccer stadium using a truck full of raw meat as bait. It is here where the final battle takes place between the Black Scorpion and a fleet of army tanks and helicopters.August 8, 2013
Movie Review: The Fog (Blu-ray, 1980)

When an immense fog begins to cover the quiet town of Antonio Bay,
the fisherman and soon the townsfolk begin to perish for . The
fog, is death to these people and what’s inside the fog is unstoppable. Stevie
Wayne (Adrienne Barbeau, Creepshow, Swamp Thing) is literally in the “thick’ of
things as our damsel in distress radio DJ. She and some like-minded individuals
are looking to get out of dodge as soon as possible to avoid getting a hook through their throats courtesy of the mysterious creatures traveling in the fog.
Movie Review: Ms .45 (1981)
When Jeff Dolniak asked for my email address, I expected to be spammed and harassed with ads for constipation meds, erectile dysfunction, and furry enthusiasts. To my complete surprise, I was presented with a link to the remastered 1981 revenge film, Ms .45.
Ms .45 stars Zoe Tamerlis as Thana, a mute girl working as a seamstress in New York. She’s a rather shy and reserved young lady and while her coworkers/friends go off for a drink after work, she heads home via the grocery store. She’s jumped by a masked man hiding in an alley. At gunpoint he rapes her over some garbage cans then runs away. Thana stumbles home in a stupor only to discover another man has broken into her apartment. Robber turns rapist and she is violated AGAIN. How much bad luck can one poor girl have? Damn.
Drafthouse Films,
HD remastered,
Peggy Christie,
August 7, 2013
Can Anyone Stop "Frankenstein's Army"?
MPI/Dark Sky Films Presents
The Critically Acclaimed One-of-a-Kind Film
Coming To Blu-Ray and DVD on September 10, 2013
"...the energy, invention and humor are bracing."
- The New York Times
Hot off the heels of it's critically acclaimed theatrical release, Richard Raaphorst's highly buzzed-about debut film, FRANKENSTEIN'S ARMY comes to Blu-ray and DVD from MPI/Dark Sky Films on September 10, 2013.
"FRANKENSTEIN'S ARMY is funny and original, with innovative costumes and set designs. It's sure to please horror fans," says The New York Post.
In the dying days of World War II, a battalion of Russian soldiers find themselves lost in enemy territory in eastern Germany. One soldier (Alexander Mercury, The Golden Compass) has been ordered to make a propaganda film as the squadron makes its way across the wintry landscape, and what follows is a thrilling mix of found-footage shocks and classic horror. Stumbling upon a village decimated by an unseen terror, the Russians are lured into the secret lab of deranged scientist Viktor (Hellboy's Karel Roden). Viktor has unearthed the journals of the legendary Dr. Victor Frankenstein and has used them to assemble an army of supersoldiers stitched together from the body parts of fallen Germans - a desperate Hitler's last ghastly ploy to escape defeat.
Jeff Dolniak
Movie Review: Federal Agents vs. Underworld, Inc. (1949, Republic/Cheezy Flicks)

Carol Forman,
Cheezy Flicks,
John Beutler,
Kirk Alyn,
August 6, 2013
Cinema Head Cheese: The Podcast! #108 - Con Prep
Click here to listen or right click and choose "Save Link As..." to download.
You can always email us at cinemaheadcheese@yahoo.com or tweet us @CinHeadCheese.
Support Cinema Head Cheese and Abnormal Entertainment by clicking the links on our Sponsors page!
August 4, 2013
Book Review: All You Can Eat (Deadite Press)
Cannibalism is the new undead.
Bear with me, here. Since reanimated corpses are, in all
honesty, a new species, a bunch of zombies munching down on hapless humans
isn’t really cannibalism at all. They’ve changed and, therefore, are not eating
their own species, right? That’s the argument I’m working with here. Make no
mistake about it, Shane McKenzie’s All You Can Eat has nothing to do with
zombies, but everything to do with morbidly obese cannibals and, if you know
me, then you know I have a well-marbled soft spot for morbidly obese cannibals.
All I’m saying that a few books into his fledgling hardcore horror authorship
and McKenzie has helped to kick start a new phase in the anthropophagus
sub-genre. All You Can Eat is a rollicking ride from one side of a Chinese
buffet to the other and we get to sample it all.
Buy All You Can Eat HERE.
August 3, 2013
Movie Review: Stripped (2012, Inception Media Group)

Movie Review: Hatchet III (2013, Blu-ray)
Reviewed by: James DePaolo
When the first Hatchet film came out, people were going on and on about the old school fun of it and some critics went way overboard on the film. Then came part II and this bogus “ support unrated horror” campaign that people acted like that film was the first film ever that had MPAA problems. You may see where this review seems to be heading, Hatchet is one of those franchises that the hype and talk outshine the films. Here we are at III and I will be honest, gone is the cheer-leading and hype because I feel even the biggest supporters will admit that this film is pretty bad.
Unlike the last two installments that had an element of fun, somewhat, this film has no personality or heart and just feels like all involved went through the motions. III picks up right at the end of II with Marybeth fighting off Crowley and thinking she killed him and going to the police with her story. Well once there, they think she is crazy and lock her up for questioning about who died. Well, when the Sheriff and his team decide to go investigate her story is when they find out that Victor is not dead.
When the first Hatchet film came out, people were going on and on about the old school fun of it and some critics went way overboard on the film. Then came part II and this bogus “ support unrated horror” campaign that people acted like that film was the first film ever that had MPAA problems. You may see where this review seems to be heading, Hatchet is one of those franchises that the hype and talk outshine the films. Here we are at III and I will be honest, gone is the cheer-leading and hype because I feel even the biggest supporters will admit that this film is pretty bad.
Unlike the last two installments that had an element of fun, somewhat, this film has no personality or heart and just feels like all involved went through the motions. III picks up right at the end of II with Marybeth fighting off Crowley and thinking she killed him and going to the police with her story. Well once there, they think she is crazy and lock her up for questioning about who died. Well, when the Sheriff and his team decide to go investigate her story is when they find out that Victor is not dead.
August 2, 2013
Movie Review: Black Sabbath (1963, Blu-ray/DVD combo pack)
Review By: Rob Sibley
Mario Bava is the king of Italian
horror, plain and simple. Don't get me wrong I am obsessed with
Italian masters of horror. Dario Argento, Lucio Fulchi, Umberto
Lenzi, Sergio Martino, Luigi Cozzi and Pupi Avati all are brilliant
filmmakers. But Bava was special... some may call his films old
fashioned. If by old fashioned you meant classy I'd agree. Bava
single handily created the Giallo genre and at the same time (to me)
did the first true slasher film with Bay of Blood. A film which was
ripped off more times then I can count. Let's just say you wouldn't
have Friday the 13th 1 or 2 without Bay. You wouldn't have
all the great early Giallo's from Argento if it wasn't for The Girl
who knew too much and Blood and Black Lace.
Bava was ahead of his time, other
filmmakers were just playing catch up. He was a man of many talents,
not only an excellent director but a phenomenal cinematographer and
writer. Look at “Hatchet For the Honeymoon” and tell me Brett
Easton Ellis wasn't inspired by it for American Psycho. Bava didn't
always just make horror films. He directed the criminally underrated epic “Hercules: In The Haunted World” and the
Viking epic Erik The Conqueror. He also wasn't afraid to add humor to
his films. His films often were filled with irony and pitch black
Movie Review: Fairy in a Cage (DVD, 1977)
Review By: Rob Sibley
During World War II, the tyrannical Judge Murayama uses his military power to imprison and torture innocent people. Suspected of helping an anti-government movement, the lovely Namiji Kikushima (Naomi Tani) is captured, along with a local kabuki actor. Helpless and unable to escape, the two are subjected to a grueling series of tortures including rope bondage and psysical assault. As the Judge an his evil assistant Kayo revel in their perverse fetishes, a new military recruit they've hired named Taoka may be the key to the prisoners freedom. He loves Namiji and will do what he can to help her, even if it means betrayal to organize an escape!
Well leave it to Impulse pictures (Synapse's dirty little cousin) to release one of the most controversial and most sought after Nikkatsu productions of all time. The film at times reminded me of Salo, mainly due to the fact it mixed in heavily political statements with it's rape and violence. I must admit this film was my first journey into Nikkatsu. I've seen countless Pink films but this film is a different breed. Unlike your common Pink flick it seems the Roman Porno's focused on violence and sexuality on equal levels. It's certainly not a film for everyone.
During World War II, the tyrannical Judge Murayama uses his military power to imprison and torture innocent people. Suspected of helping an anti-government movement, the lovely Namiji Kikushima (Naomi Tani) is captured, along with a local kabuki actor. Helpless and unable to escape, the two are subjected to a grueling series of tortures including rope bondage and psysical assault. As the Judge an his evil assistant Kayo revel in their perverse fetishes, a new military recruit they've hired named Taoka may be the key to the prisoners freedom. He loves Namiji and will do what he can to help her, even if it means betrayal to organize an escape!
Well leave it to Impulse pictures (Synapse's dirty little cousin) to release one of the most controversial and most sought after Nikkatsu productions of all time. The film at times reminded me of Salo, mainly due to the fact it mixed in heavily political statements with it's rape and violence. I must admit this film was my first journey into Nikkatsu. I've seen countless Pink films but this film is a different breed. Unlike your common Pink flick it seems the Roman Porno's focused on violence and sexuality on equal levels. It's certainly not a film for everyone.
August 1, 2013
Movie Review: Wrong (2012, Realitism/Drafthouse Films)

Movie Review: Marvel Knights: Wolverine - Origin (2013, DVD)
Review By: Rob Sibley
Wolverine is the best there is at what
he does; although of course, what he doe isn't very nice. But long
before he was a member of the X-men, a tormented experiment of the
Weapon-X project, or even a savage bar brawler known as Logan, he was
simply a young boy. What incredible forces created this man, the
world's greatest killing machine? For years, Wolverine has searched
desperately for answers from his past, from the wilds of the Canadian
Wilderness to the teeming cities of Japan and beyond. And despite his
perseverance and longing for the truth, he remains an enigma to
himself and those around him. But, in this landmark event, Marvel
reveals all: the birth and childhood of a young boy... the intriguing
secrets of his family history... and the tragedy that changed
everything. Welcome to the greatest story never told...
So reads the back jacket of the DVD,
big words for sure. That is a lot of hype for a motion comic to live
up to. Luckily this motion comic was adapted from the amazing 6 issue
story “Wolverine: Origin”. Which finally revealed Logan's
mysterious past. Before I discuss the actual film, I must admit I
usually hate motion comics with a passion.
comic book,
Motion Comic,
Rob Sibley,
Shout Factory,
Wolverine: Origin,
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