Buy Stripperland!
Skelding attempts to spoof the popular zombie comedy, Zombieland. Doing a spoof of a comedy isn't quite the easiest feat but for this little indie it actually works most of the time. There's been an outbreak of "zombism" that's effecting primarily the stripper population. Like Zombieland, you have the “rules” for how to survive zombie attacks. We also get two characters named Idaho and Frisco (Ben Shepherd and Jameson Challeen) that basically mirror the leads from Zombieland.
The production value on Stripperland! may be the biggest eye opener. It's actually really sharp. Night scenes are lit very well and there are also some amusing cameos by Troma head honcho, Lloyd Kaufman, Linnea Quigley (Night of the Demons) and a ridiculous scene with Daniel Baldwin(the fat Baldwin) playing an Eminem-esque rapper called "Double D".
The gore fx are plentiful but much of it is CGI. This was easily the biggest fault of the film next to its pacing issues. There is way too much babble while these zombie survivalists are on their road trip. Some of the repackaged gags from Zombieland can be head-scratchers but we get enough attempts at humor that does go over just fine. I especially enjoyed the homage’s to Dawn of The Dead and Day of the Dead. There's even a nod to "Bub" from Day..except here Bub has a couple of Hyundai’s on his chest that were more than likely purchased from a Tijuana plastic surgeon. I can’t complain, I like sweater-puppies large and in charge. Just don’t motorboat these girls or you might lose a pound of flesh.
We do get some supplements in the form of several trailers of other Cheezy Flix productions, an audio commentary, a trailer for the film and a compilation of drive-in commercials taken from what appears to be video tape.
To be completely honest, Stripperland! looked like a train-wreck. It ain't. It's actually a hell of a lot of fun. If you're a zombie fan and like your movies packed with boobs, splatter and goofy cameos give Stripperland! a shot.
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